Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pride and pleasure

We are a great team, we all know that, but we don't fully know all about each other's 'outside' lives. We chat about it and keep each other posted on the latest exciting news and adventures, but we rarely get the opportunity to experience that 'outside' life with each other.

I feel so lucky because I had a glimpse of Shad's other life as a teacher. I pulled up to Silver Lake yoga- it's just before 7am, and Shad's truck is the only car there. I bopped inside and there he was, sitting quietly, incense and candle burning. Seeing me there was out of context so it took him a moment to realize it was me, but once he did, he gave me a smile that made me instantly feel at home- like it was a surprise visit from a friend that you haven't seen in 2 years. Expressing gratitude is one of Shad's specialities.

The next woman that walked in was a woman named Sarah that had been in the store the previous day- we recognized each other, and the 3 of us felt that community connection that is so wonderful and rare. A couple other people joined us and then we began.

The first few minutes were incredible. I'm used to the teacher speaking and chanting and discussing a theme for the class, but Shad was so eloquent, yet made things seem so simple and clear. When you wake up, you have a moment where you don't know who you are or where you are- it's a true moment of innocence. You have no stress, no demands- instead you have a heart open to possibility and love. Shad explained that if you can learn to hold on to that moment, even for a few more minutes each day- you will be more open to life's offerings. Less 'should's' and 'needs'; more discoveries and gains. He also described that your body may feel stiff early in the morning, but it is also still. And being still is something that we all must learn to appreciate-it is a time for ourselves.

I admit as we moved through the class I peeked my eyes open to watch Shad- and I found his movements to be so smooth. It was clear he was in his element. I found myself feeling so proud of him, so happy for him that he has this passion in his life. And I also found myself feeling comfortable, relaxed, and ready to challenge the day ahead with a new sense of stillness.

After the others had left, Shad and I discussed life a bit. I felt so great in body, mind, and spirit, and I really encourage all of you to seek out any class of Shad's. You'll leave swelling with pride and pleasure.

1 comment:

Tori said...


You really have a gift for writing! Loved your description of Shad's class. What a great testiment to him. It's a little far for me to go at such an early time, but I'm so glad you showed him some love and support.
