Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pride and pleasure

We are a great team, we all know that, but we don't fully know all about each other's 'outside' lives. We chat about it and keep each other posted on the latest exciting news and adventures, but we rarely get the opportunity to experience that 'outside' life with each other.

I feel so lucky because I had a glimpse of Shad's other life as a teacher. I pulled up to Silver Lake yoga- it's just before 7am, and Shad's truck is the only car there. I bopped inside and there he was, sitting quietly, incense and candle burning. Seeing me there was out of context so it took him a moment to realize it was me, but once he did, he gave me a smile that made me instantly feel at home- like it was a surprise visit from a friend that you haven't seen in 2 years. Expressing gratitude is one of Shad's specialities.

The next woman that walked in was a woman named Sarah that had been in the store the previous day- we recognized each other, and the 3 of us felt that community connection that is so wonderful and rare. A couple other people joined us and then we began.

The first few minutes were incredible. I'm used to the teacher speaking and chanting and discussing a theme for the class, but Shad was so eloquent, yet made things seem so simple and clear. When you wake up, you have a moment where you don't know who you are or where you are- it's a true moment of innocence. You have no stress, no demands- instead you have a heart open to possibility and love. Shad explained that if you can learn to hold on to that moment, even for a few more minutes each day- you will be more open to life's offerings. Less 'should's' and 'needs'; more discoveries and gains. He also described that your body may feel stiff early in the morning, but it is also still. And being still is something that we all must learn to appreciate-it is a time for ourselves.

I admit as we moved through the class I peeked my eyes open to watch Shad- and I found his movements to be so smooth. It was clear he was in his element. I found myself feeling so proud of him, so happy for him that he has this passion in his life. And I also found myself feeling comfortable, relaxed, and ready to challenge the day ahead with a new sense of stillness.

After the others had left, Shad and I discussed life a bit. I felt so great in body, mind, and spirit, and I really encourage all of you to seek out any class of Shad's. You'll leave swelling with pride and pleasure.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Oh my gosh you guys! I did pilates on the reformer for the first time today and I swear it was so hard...I had no idea! I had to suck my stomach in and do all of these crazy hard twists and turns using muscles in a way I had never done before. It makes me appreciate how strong pilates people are and even though I'm a yogi at heart, I would definitely be interested in doing pilates reformer again--- I want to have that strong core!


Horoscopes Can be Great!

hello my lululemons -

So In my horoscope of today it said the following:

Experience everything that happens to its fullest and fill your mind with new and exciting ideas. This is a day of learning, and a day of experience. The growth you achieve today will help you down the road.

I feel that this can apply every single day, and each and everyone of us should carry that with us.

Hope you are all have a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yoga Madre

Hey Team!! Mike, Freda and I went to yoga madre this morning and mike did a GREAT backbend. I didn't think the class was that hard, but now I'm feeling it all in my legs and my arms. Rene is a great teacher..

Much Love!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thankkkk youuuuuu!

So - to say that I was excited when I got hired on as a seasonal educator with lulu is the understatement of the year. I was pumped for my in-store experience, getting to know other lulu's and the customers, and being in one of my favorite cities. What I didn't realize was how AWESOME my first "lulu-inspired" class experience would be.

I took Beginning Yoga at Yoga House with the lovely ambassador Carolyn Sachs on Monday night. I needed a TOTAL refresher yoga class and this was great. I had forgotten how wonderful it felt to be pushing myself and breathing through the pose. The hour and half flew by so fast. We did partner poses and I had never done those in my life. I actually did down dog with my partner doing down dog with her feet on my lower back – and then I returned the favor!

I totally understand why Carolyn is one of our ambassadors. I introduced myself to her and she met me (and every other member of the class) with such warmth and openness. (And can I just say that I was so proud to be able to say "I work at lululemon"!!!!!!!) She was rocking her groove pants and Vinaysa tank! She was all about doing what felt right in a pose and provided us with a variety of different ways to do each pose. I was completely exhausted before the class and felt like a whole new person after! I’ll be taking the class again this coming Monday – come join me!!!

Next adventure: CATZ

I wanted to put a big fat THANKKKKKKK YOUUUUU out there in the universe for this awesome experience. I am having so much fun at lulu and spend my week excited for my next shift. See y’all tomorrow!!!!!


And a big welcome to all of our new Lulus! It's great seeing all these new faces around the store. So much energy and excitement! I just can't believe it is the middle of December already! So much happening so fast! I hope we all take time to live in the moment as much as possible.

There is a great website, that Jules shared with me, and I have since signed up to receive daily motivational quotes. I thought I would share it with you. If you are anything like me, this time of year is full of many things, to name just a few: Love, appreciation for loved ones still here, Deep sorrow over loved ones no longer here, stress, depression or anxiety over another year coming to an end and maybe unfulfilled dreams or goals, Excitement for a new beginning, Family, friends, money (or the lack of), Joy, Spiritual renewal, Shopping, Baking, parties, and oh did I already mention STRESS? These are just a few of a long list I'm sure we all could add to. The important thing to remember in all of this, is that each moment is an opportunity to leave something of yourself behind. Maybe it's a kind word to a stranger, or a smile to the stressed out mom in front of you in line. Let's all just really focus on being present in the moment.

Yesterday's gone, Tomorrow's not here yet, Today is a gift, that's why it's called the PRESENT! Give yourself the gift of being present this Holiday season, and spread Love and Good Cheer to those you come in contact with. It's like a boomarang, and always comes back to you!

Daily Motivation

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. --Moliere
Need a great holiday gift? - Click Here

Hi Hi

I like this site. Very cool. I have an idea for a design for the underwear. Who can I contact to let them know my thoughts?

Yay!! I'm on the blog!

Oh my gosh my peeps. I'm on the blog now. Yeah, yeah, yeah!! I am going to blog my brains out from now on. So, what's everyone reading these days? I'm still reading 7 Habits and I absolutely love it. I am really learning about how action is derived from your values and ethics. This is wonderful because it brings to the light the nature of proactivity and being aware of your internal locus of control vs. feeling as though everything is controlled externally. HUGE difference!

Okay! Just a short note today. More later....

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Well I finally went to CATZ, and now I'm kicking myself for not having gone sooner!

Last week I went on both Tuesday and Thursday to Mike's classes. About 10 minutes after the Tuesday class I was already sore. The next day I could barely move. Anyone who worked with me can attest to the fact that I was hobbling/gliding around the store. I haven't been that sore in YEARS! And the day after was no better...

BUT, that soreness is what I am now addicted to! My fitness routine just hasn't been cutting it lately, and I'm sooo excited that I've found something that can re-inspire me, and that really is going to do great things for my body. I'm going next Tuesday as well, and when I get back from Portland I'm going to go 2-3 times a week and alternate this with cardio (I'm also slightly addicted to the eliptical machine...). I'm really excited!

It was awesome to do the class with some of you both days. We had a really great game of pick-up soccer after the workout on Thursday...because we wanted more of a workout? Freda said something along the lines of: only us crazy lulus would want more of a workout after the buttkicking we'd just gone through! So true!

I really, really encourage anyone who hasn't to go to CATZ. Join me next Tuesday, 6:30pm...


Friday, November 30, 2007

Saying goodbye to November, and Hello to December!

I am sitting here on November 30th amazed at where this month as gone. Wow! Time truly seems to fly by. It's been a good month though, and we are looking forward to a great December at Lululemon Pasadena. We are bringing on new people for the holidays, which always add fresh excitement. I'm sitting here listening to the rain fall outside, and feel so relaxed and peaceful. I love the sound of rain falling. So like the rain falling, Fall is falling away to make room for Winter and all it's wonderment. Peace! Tori

Classic Kickboxing Kicked my you know what!!

Hey all!

Well, I finally went to my first real kickboxing class. I've been to kickboxing classes before. Just none that could compare to this. I even have taught group exercise classes that contained kickboxing moves. Boy was I wrong. Who knew you had to have a big huge bag that was attached to the floor and ceiling to have it really be a true kickboxing class. What a difference that bag makes. It's like trying to learn to fight by punching the air as apposed to a real person. Yikes! Mauricio was great! Very excited about Lululemon, and really gets it. He took me around their impressive little establishment, and shared with me what makes them different from say a kickboxing class at a regular gym. That way, we can really promote them authentically! There were two other women in the class, and I must say I was a bit jealous of their pink and hot pink boxing gloves. Um? Maybe I can add that to my Christmas wish list. If you want to try it out though, don't worry about going out and making an investment right away in gloves. They will provide you with hand wraps and gloves. I felt so menacing in them. Be prepared to do many kicks and punches, and you will be sore the next day. A great workout and fun! I highly recommend it, and I will go back for sure! A great way to work off some frustrations as well! Not that I have any mind you, but in case you do!

Happy Punching!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Truly inspiring...and a side of soreness

Wow, Meredith, that is such an inspirational posting. I am so proud of you and your accomplishment. Finishing that race will be something you'll never forget, not only because it is a well known event and everyone will be impressed, but more importantly because you know that you pushed through your mental and physical boundaries to get there. THAT is true strength- so CHEERS to you!!!

As for the soreness portion, I went to Classic Kickboxing for the first time yesterday. IT ROCKS! It was the first time I had ever had my hands wrapped and put on real boxing gloves. I've taken many classes that are cardio kickboxing, but this class was a true fight class.

I went with Freda and Jimmy and Jimmy kicked off the morning with a nice serenade of the Rocky theme. Love it. The class is only an hour long, but it is chalk-full of movement. If you're looking for a class that is a stress reliever, this is definitely it. Ya know, sometimes it feels great to just punch something- let loose and release any tension. And you all know me, I would not call myself a violent person, but this class helped me bring out that fiesty kicker in me. I kept envisioning the bag as someone saying "you can't, you can't" and let me tell you, when I would focus on that, I felt like I could blow that bag right off of the chain! I left feeling energized and more collected. Today my shoulders are that good kind of sore. I can't wait to go back!

Monday, November 12, 2007

One Conscious Thought...

Happy November Pasadena Lufriends!

Most of you know that on Sunday, November 4, I ran and completed the NYC marathon. What most of you don't know is how hard it was to finish, and how much more mental strength a marathon requires. What? You mean it's not about strong legs and lungs? on!

I ran the NYC marathon because I was challenged to enter the lottery by a Michelin co-worker. All of my co-workers know that I am a runner, and most interested in all things fitness. I think those who don't run think that EVERY runner does marathons. That is a false assumption! I had never had a desire to do a marathon. I have run half marathons, and other distance challenges involving multiple sports, but never a full marathon prior to New York. My co-worker challenged me to enter the lottery for NYC. He told me: "You probably won't get in, so don't worry about it. However, if you do get in, you know it's meant to be. " I fully believed that meant that if I got in, there was something God wanted me to learn from this. If not, it would be the proof that I shouldn't ever run 26.2 miles at one time.

So you all know the end of the story. I got in. Approximately 100,000 entrants bought a lottery ticket ($10) and only about 40,000 got race entries. I was one of the 40% who hit it big in that lottery. On July 2, I started my marathon training program and committed to train my mind and body to complete the marathon on November 4. Training was pleasantly uneventful. Mid way through I had pretty painful hip issues, but was able to run through them with a lot of determination and my new found love for yoga and Paul Katani's Saturday morning class. These two additions to my training helped strengthen my body, while giving it time off from the stresses of those long runs of 15 or more miles.

The physical part of the training went well. I knew physically I could handle this challenge. About 3 weeks before the race, finally, I felt mentally ready. Something just "clicked" on a long run, and I knew that I had "it" in me to finish the distance in New York. So, I was ready!

Race weekend arrived. I was a nervous wreck. At times I can be paralyzed by perfection. What I mean here is, I won't go out unless I go out great. I was so worried about all the unknowns of the marathon. I had never run in NY. You don't run more than 20 miles in your training. What about those last 26.2?

The guns went off. It was an amazing and emotional start. The toughest hills of the entire course were the first two miles on the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, but I was so excited I didn't even feel them. I signed up to run with the 4:15 pace group to finish in that time. I was so pumped during the race, at times I was outpacing my group and having to slow down and save energy. Miles 1 through 18 were a blast! I couldn't believe how fun this was. The ENTIRE course was lined with cheering spectators, NYC firefighters, church choirs in the streets, you name it. Mile 19 I felt a little tired. Mile 20 I was thrilled to see that number!

Mile 21 happened and my body decided it was time to quit. My mind was saying " This is stupid. Why am I here? I can't finish this. I am not a distance runner. This was a stupid challenge." But then I thought about all the people who knew I was running, who were watching me on the internet, or cheering and praying for me. I remembered the quote from the manifesto about One Conscious Thought. I decided to take control. For miles 21 through 24, I consciously and forcefully told myself:
"I am a marathon runner. I am happy to be here. I am so lucky! I am going to finish! I am strong! I have trained for this! This is not scary it is fun! Finishing is worth this fight!"
Over and over, I controlled my conscious thoughts.

You know the end of the story.
I finished! My time was 4 hours and 23 minutes. I was in the top 50% of all runers, and the top 25% of women. My times were impressive, but that's not what I'm taking away from this experience.

What did I learn from running the marathon? What did miles 21 through 24 teach me?
I can do anything I want to do. So can you. When you set goals, you set action plans and you tell people about them. You set out to achieve your goals You get 90% of the way, something happens and you have to decide whether achieving those goals is worth the fight. It IS worth the fight. You CAN finish. But the hard part it, it's up to YOU to believe in yourself. Everyone around you believes in you and will be there cheering for you at the finish. I can promise, with every goal will come reasons not to achieve them. You just have to decide if you are strong enough to fight for the finish and get that medal of achievement.

So, don't go out and run a marathon. Just tell yourself "I can do it." Those quotes on the manifesto aren't a waste of paper. Put them to work in your life, and you will see your world elevate from mediocrity to greatness!

My favorite shirt I saw while on the marathon course worn by other runners:

(Well, two favorites)

1) Pain is temporary...finishing lasts forever!

2) Powered by fear of aging.
(worn by a 50+ year old man who was super cool!)

Hugs and lu luv!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007




Wow! I just got home from taking a special class at Equinox tonight. Alex taught the original choreography from the music video, and it was so much fun! I think I shall be very very sore tomorow though! Paul even took the class. He was dressed in torn up gym clothes. What a sport. If you haven't gotten over to Equinox yet, it is such a priviledge that we are able to go over there for free! A BIG THANK YOU TO LULULEMON!!!


Saturday, October 27, 2007


Sylviane officially signed up for R&D today! She was so much fun to have in the store + she has some major feedback!

Monday, October 15, 2007

club sportif

Soo...I'm know I'm not really part of the team anymore but I just wanted to say that I took a lot of classes at Club Sportif and focused on getting Sylvianne to join R&D (has she done that yet?). Anyways, her brand new booty class kicked my well booty every time and she works on the core in that class much more than in her Pilate's class. You should try it and see what you think!

...Enough from me...miss you guys!

-- Rochelle

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pilates at Club Sportif!

Hello all!

Yesterday I went to Sylviane's mat pilates class at Club Sportif! Sylvaine is super nice... One of the first things she asked me was if I am a dancer...when she heard I am a cheerleader she brought up the fact that she is getting a sport aerobics team together and is trying to find people...I told her it seemed like an interesting proposition, but I don't know if it's exactly my we'll see about that one...

It was just me and 2 other ladies in the class. I was really disconcerted at first because she turned the lights really low...maybe it's just personal preference, but I am more aware of my body when I can see what I'm doing really well in the mirror. The other women were regulars and knew most of the routine, but I caught on pretty quickly. I felt pretty good about it after, but overall it wasn't as challenging as I'd hoped. I really wanted a sore core today, and I don't feel it anywhere!

Anyway, I thanked her for the class after, and she told me she wants to come in to Lulu soon...she's in desperate need of bras. I told her we had some great options, so hopefully she will be in soon!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

hello from BOSTON!

Well I thought it was about time for me to post since I've been away from you all for ...too long! I'm getting super jealous of all the posts though because you guys seem to be having a blast in classes and I miss, miss, MISS going to classes with you guys! Well I miss going to classes in general for that matter.
Boston is GREAT! It's still pretty warm; fall unfortunately has not kicked in quite yet but the trees are already starting to change colors and every year it seems more and more beautiful to me! I saw my very first Boston lulu wear-er! She was jogging on the street I live on and I seriously had to put effort into not screaming, "YOU'RE IN LULULEMON!!!!" She's the only one, besides myself, who I've seen in our lulu garb in this whole city which is very very surprising...however, I think that'll change soon because I heard there's a store opening up! I think there is a showroom somewhere right but my friend who goes to Emerson said she heard there was one going up in the Emerson College area.
My parent's took a trip to Vancouver and took pictures of the very first ever lulu was so cute that they thought of lululemon (since i allllwwaaayyys talk about it).
Anyways, I'm rambling on and on and on and I really just wanted to say this:
I miss you guys so much! Being with each of you at work really made my day, every day. I am so grateful for having all of you in my life because you are all such amazing individuals. I love you all and cannot wait to see you when I'm back home!
Much love from Boston! Take care!!


p.s. hello and nice to meet you cyber-ly all you newbie lulus!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A new Lulu...

Hey y'all!!! I think Jimmy is picking up my Southern accent. I just wanted to say hello and I'm so excited to be a part of the Pasadena Lulu team, and a part of the bigger Lulu team all over the world. This company rocks! Never have I encountered a company who I felt was determined to make me a better person, not just a better employee. Surf's up, see you soon!


--If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will see results.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Jimmy is finally here

Hey y'all!!!!
Just wanted to write anything on here. Have an amazing day. See new things in the ordinary.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I took a class on Thursday morning at Yoga Madre. Rene Quenell taught the class, and it was wonderful. However, the highlight of the class for me, was a description of fall that Rene shared. She said that with the coming of each new season, there is a sense of change and excitement. With fall, it represents the casting off of that which is no longer necessary. It may have held great value at one time, however, it is now time to let go and move forward. She gave the example of fall leaves. They had served their purpose for a time, but their time has run its natural coarse. They are discarded in order to make room for something new and better.

This thought stayed with me for the remainder of the day, and I continue to ponder it's wisdom. What are we hanging onto that has outlived it's usefulness in our lives. Are we hanging onto it out of fear of letting go, or have we simply become comfortable with the way things are? What are we missing, because we refuse to make room in our lives for that which might be infinitely better. I have always loved fall, but this new found awareness has opened my eyes to something far greater than Fall Leaves, crisp air and the smell of pumpkin spice.

I hope as we transisition into this fall, that we can remember that everything has it's season, and there is a time for every purpose under heaven.



Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well, Theresia and I attempted our first Ballet class in years last night. I'd say we did pretty good considering. Make no mistake though, Ballet is not for the faint of heart! You think CATZ is tough!

So, we went to the Pasadena Dance Theatre. We met Michael, who works at the front desk. He was very nice, and we introduced ourselves and Lululemon. I told him about our Community board in our store, and that we have their schedule up. He asked if we had any fliers, and of course I didn't bring anything. So, I will make a point of taking some postcards in next time. A good thing to remember if you are trying out a smaller studio of any kind. I found out that they do take credit cards, and I believe a one time class is $15. They have a number of Adult Ballet classes, but as we found out, they are really more intermediate type classes. The bar work was very demanding, and the teacher moves very quickly. No time for explanations of things. You either pick it up fast, or your lost. Thank goodness there were others in the class I could follow! They have different instructors, and I'm sure each one brings something different to the class, but we are planning on trying the beginners class next time. More of a basic ballet class. So, if anyone would like to try Ballet for the first time, or get back into after many years, we would love to have you join us.

If you need Ballet shoes, there is the Red Shoes right across the street from Mission Street Yoga. They are very nice and helpful.

See you at the bar,


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Class Highlight Award

Congratulations Jules!

Jules won the Class Highlight Award for August 16th -31st.

Way to go. You can also see it posted on our Community Board.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Don't Laugh!

Hey guys,
Okay I know that this might sound really ignorant and behind on everything, but just bear with me.
To be honest the last few weeks has been phenomenal with me taking classes, but the sad part is I was really behind for a month or so. Now I am not sure what to do about class reports? Are we just supposed to submit our review here, or do we still need to turn something in to Lessie? If we do need to turn it in to here can you remind me on where we can get the form? hehe
Something must have happened because the process of filling out all of this stuff has completely left my mind! :) Oops!

Don't laugh too hard at my laziness.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Hey everyone!

Since this past Tuesday, my life has revolved around lululemon. When I met Tori she asked if I am the new girl working at lulu, and I said that yes, I'm going to be LIVING (note: not WORKING) at lululemon from now on.

Now, only 2 days later, I realize that my slip-up was quite prophetic -- as I attempt to soak up every bit of wisdom possible, I realize that I am indeed beginning to LIVE lululemon, which is great! I feel healthier already!

I start my shadow shifts tomorrow, but wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to training me -- by teaching me, watching me try on the whole store, showing me how to fold, answering questions, etc. I realize that this is just the very beginning of my learning process, but I'm so grateful for the team effort I've experienced so far. (And I promise many, many more questions in the future!)

I've also really enjoyed meeting everyone, and can't wait to meet those of you who I haven't yet. I already know I'm going to LOVE working at lulu!



Hey guys! I finally figured it out....slow one here! hahaha But I am glad I did because I wanted to update you all on where I am in my book. I am reading from Good to Great. I am not very far in it at all, but I am trying to read it during my breaks, so it might take a while! : ) But I am doing it, so that is what I am choosing to focus on. I am proud, what can I say? hehe

Anyway! I am right now reading about Level 5 leaders and what that means. This morning I was reading a bit and I notice that the examples of these leaders all had one consistent trait.

I have been having a hard time lately on trying to be at piece with who God made me to be and how to deal with it when it comes to my emotions. I don't want to deny myself the natural feelings invoked through things, but I feel that it has brought a lot of negative attention lately. This is hard to deal with because it is part of who I am. ( I promise I will get to the point in a second)

Do you remember when I gave my review for Pour Your Heart Into It, and I explained that I really loved the book because I could relate to the entrepreneurial spirit because it is within me? Well, Good to Great has that within it too, but these leaders all have a quality within them that has been talked about as a negative attribute. Here is an example, " Mockler had the reputation of a gracious, almost patrician gentlemen. Yet those who mistook Mockler's reserved nature for weakness found themselves beaten in the end." So instead of these leaders taking the initiative to change themselves, they all listened to their gut instinct and went with what felt right to them from the start. Sometimes I feel that in order to move forward in life and be able to have my own business and become the woman I want to be that I have to give up who I am and become bull headed, but this made me realize that I am thinking the opposite of what I should be.

I should be thinking that this might be what will make me, as a leader in business, unique and one step ahead of the gang. Bob Meers probably receives feedback about being kind of shy and reserved, maybe even that he isn't much of a people person, but look where he is today.

So, instead of wanting this to be inspirational just to myself, I thought I should share it with all of you. Maybe what we should take from our personal feedback is that we need to decide when and where we let that trait come into the picture. That we don't need to completely get rid of the quality and become someone we truly are not, but just that we need to learn where it is safe to have that trait take over as opposed to when we should tell it to shut up! haha I think I have go on enough, I hope that made sense and that what I was wanting to say truly came through my babel. HAHA!! :)

Love you all and see you soon!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My First Bikram Class

I finally got up the nerve, and went to my first Bikram class. I went to the Pasadena Bikram Yoga. Jeff taught the class, and he was great! Although I don't really have anything to compare it to. I was able to talk to the owner Val beforehand, and that was great! They are planning an event with another studio, and would like Lululemon to be sponsor's. I told her to talk to Lessie about it, but it sounded great.

So, what can I say about Bikram? Um? It is not for the faint of heart! I was pushed beyond my comfort levels on so many levels. Ever sit in a Steam Sauna for a few minutes, and say enough is enough. Well, imagine being in that steam sauna, but not just sitting. OH NO! You are asked to do some stretching poses, balancing poses, strength poses, not once, but several times, and not just for a few minutes, but for an hour and a half! The cool thing was, by the second round, I found I could hold it longer, stretch a little further, or balance a little better. That felt really empowering! Jeff was really good about explaining and breaking down things for me, or helping me out when I looked completely lost. He did it in such a way that didn't make me feel bad, which I appreciated. He was very encouraging and patient.

If you haven't taken a Bikram class yet, I would highly encourage you to. I can now relate so much better to guests that come in who practice that type of Yoga.

If it works out with our schedules, I would love to go again with anyone who would like to join me!

I must go drink more water now! Peace, Tori

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Well Hello!

Hello my precious Pasadena lulus its been too long I tell you! I just joined the Tyson's corner lulu clan, but rest assure you are all still near and dear to my heart. The store opens Sept 7th (yes I am on the opening team for yet another store) and get this.... THEIR MERCHANDISE IS ARRIVING PRE TAGGED !!!! Yea I choked on my smart water when Annie, our manager said it.

Okay enough of the silly things here is the reason why I am writing. I went to the most amazing Yoga class of my life today! It is at this place called down dog yoga, its hot yoga but not bikram the room is in between 87-90 degres and the have ceiling fans that keep the air circulating. And we dont have to do that make you almost pass out breathing in the beginning. Today my instructor was Gregory and boy did he kick butt the class was super challenging but he sprinkled continuous tips on how to further explore the poses. I did a toe stand TWICE. I could go on and on but bottom the class had amazing energy and I really think it was because of Gregory's great guidance. I walked out of that class feelng so empowered. I was floating on cloud nine. At the end of the class I gathered up my things and got in line to talk to Gregory, everyone ahead of me gushed about how great the class was promised to be back, as chatty as I am when I got to the front all I could manage to say was "I cannot being to tell you how amazing that class was..." He just said thank you Chauna (he memorized the entire class of 30 people) and told me he looked forward to seeing me again. I would probably try and go back tomorrow but I doubt I'll be able to move my arms. The vinyasas were frequent and fierce. 3 people were wearing lulu (including one hot pink whisper tank)

Love you all


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Thanks for Sharing

Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have been sharing your experiences with the rest of us.



Quick Hint

If you are signed in and have joined this group, look in the upper right-hand corner of your screen to find the "New Post" option. It is located next to your email/username. Click this to post your musings.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Secret Life

Okay guys. It's time to come clean....I love gentle yoga. I've had an obsession with Jill Zepezauer's Viniyoga-based class at Yoga House since I moved to The 'Dena. I started taking it after I injured myself in my first and last "hot" yoga class -- the things we do for pre-branding :) I know what you are thinking, "Sweating to the oldies with the Silver Sneakers", but it's not the case at all. Jill is a quirky, fun-loving gal who makes you work and you don't even realize it.

Just to let you guys know a little about Viniyoga here is the latest from Wikipedia:

Viniyoga is a Sanskrit word that has multiple meanings. The root viniyuj means "to use", "to employ", "to do", among other senses.
The word appears in the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, where sutra 3.6 says that the application of the practice of saṁyama takes place in stages.
The term viniyoga has been used by T. K. V. Desikachar to describe his approach to utilizing the tools of yoga, in particular his conviction that yoga practice should be adapted to fit the individuality and particular situation of each practitioner

The thing I love about Viniyoga and gentle yoga is that anybody can do it. To me, the point of it is listening to your body, doing what you need to do to accomodate yoga for your body and habits (especially with the stress that modern life puts on your body), and tuning in instead of seeking escapism through that "workout yoga" high.

Who do you recommend this class to? I recommend it to anyone who has injuries, is new to yoga, wants to work on pranayama (breath), someone who wants to feel good - that's why I dig it :)
Who wouldn't be in to it? Folks who want to do yoga to lose weight, anyone with a short attention span (although it would probably be good for them), people who prefer vinyasa flow and weightbearing.

My favorite pose? Parighasana (Gate Pose) - please check out Yoga Journal's instructions for this pose at:

Anybody want to join me for her class this Friday at 11:00am?

Practice in the Park with Lulu ambassador Scott Lewicki

I spent last Tuesday at Central Park with Scott Lewicki and friends. He's been doing a free summer series focusing on handstands, arm balances and acro yoga. I usually work my other jobs on Tuesdays and haven't been able to make it to the "class". Luckily I've had the last two weeks off and was able to finally make it out.

For those of you that have taken a class from Scott, you know this is no easy task. He challenges us in the best of ways. He's an incredible teacher and has taught me so much. I look forward to every Friday at Mission Street for his "Happy Hour". An hour and half long class of opening your heart, learning new things, and taking risks. He's guides us through each pose, supporting and encouraging us along the way. The classes are well thoughtout and structured (or so it seems!).

Practice at the Park is much more loose.
We arrive and decide a game plan as a group. His first question is "What would you like to work on today?"
The objective of the class is to try new things - upside down - and have a good time. Good? Sorry, I meant great.
With Scott Lewicki at the helm, it's always a great time.

At the Practice in the Park, you WAKE UP AND REALIZE THAT YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY AMAZING FRIENDS. It's not quiet like it is a studio. It's a much more open. We're outside playing on the grass. Conversations are taking place. People are laughing out loud. Remember when you were a kid and you would roll in the grass? Maybe down a slight hill? Now remember how you would rollrace your friends to the bottom?
Thats more like this class. Except it isn't a race and yet somehow you still get that exhilirated kid like feeling.

Tonight is the last class of the season. If you've ever thought about checking it out, I encourage you to be there.
I plan to leave work early to make it in time. It's just that good. WHOOPS! I mean GREAT!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Good to Great, by Jim Collins

And here it is...the long awaited Good to Great report!

I think one could safely say the whole purpose for our library is to share inspirational ideas. So, the inspirational ideas from Good to Great could just about be lined up from the table of contents. Each chapter is built around one of the key differentiating concepts which emerged from a research study conducted by the author, Jim Collins. After having coauthored Built to Last, a research study which showed "how great companies triumph over time," Jim was curious about how a company which may not have started out great, could become great. The answers he and his researchers found are Good to Great.

The companies which they choose to investigate were selected for having been good and then having made a sudden change to great (average returns seven times the market) which was sustained (15 years+). They settled on 11 companies and then choose comparison companies which had similar size and performance at the outset, but failed to make the transition to great. They then set about to determine what had made the difference.

The general pattern they found was one of discipline--disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action. Disciplined people manifested as what they called Level 5 Leadership and the principle of First Who....Then What. Disciplined thought showed up as a willingness to Confront the Brutal Facts and the Hedgehog Concept. Disciplined action was created through a general Culture of Discipline and their roles as industry Technology Accelerators.

Although all the concepts and structures were present in all of the companies, and each is integrated with the others, the ideas which had the most impact on me were First Who....Then What and the Hedgehog Concept.

First Who...Then What pertains to a human resources management style, which places emphasis on the quality of the person over the experience or education they may have. This was obviously borrowed by our beloved High-Lus, as one look at the great people I work with will tell you. By looking for people who are naturally passionate and invested in what they do, and giving them enough latitude to make their own solutions, there is no need to “motivate” (i.e. hound, pester, or parent). Make the general goals and character of the company clear, and let internally-motivated people find the best way to fulfill their role. Sounds familiar, huh?

This leads us to my second fav, the Hedgehog Concept, which is essentially a way to define the largest goals and overall direction for a company (or for oneself). The hedgehog in our story comes from an ancient Greek parable, "The Hedgehog and The Fox," which says that though “the fox knows many things...the hedgehog knows one big thing.” The next time you see a fox and a hedgehog together, watch and you’ll notice that the cunning fox is constantly re-thinking his attack, trying different angles, traps and ploys. The hedgehog thwarts them all by simply rolling into a spiny, unassailable ball and waiting for danger to pass. Every time. Again and again. He knows what works best for him, and he uses it.

This pastoral image translates to the business world through the application of Simplicity within the Three Circles. The Three Circles are actually questions a company asks itself. The first is, “What can you be the best in the world at?” the second is “What drives your economic engine?” and the third is “What are you deeply passionate about?” These three create the actual Hedgehog Concept itself, which is the intersection of the three questions. The example he gives us is to frame the questions for oneself (how convenient!). What do you have a genetic or God-given talent for? What are you passionate about and absolutely love to do? What are you paid well for, or how can you get paid more for doing what you love?

The intersection of these will provide you with the one thing you should focus on to the exclusion of anything else. These questions well applied should distill your work activity to what will make the biggest impact on your overall success and happiness, both financially and otherwise. Collins is equally emphatic that anything that falls outside of these three circles should be minimized if not eliminated, as in the long run, anything else will be a waste of time and energy. So while many companies try to diversify in times of crisis, organizations operating under a clear Hedgehog Concept only have to focus more strongly on what they already know works.

Good to Great was an excellent introduction to the kind of thinking that predominates at lululemon. After all, we are trying to elevate the world from good to great, one groove pant at a time!

Class Review Award

For the last two weeks, the winner of the class review award goes to Becky! Way to go Becky. You did a great job letting us know all about Bikram!

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Have you guys tried Bikram?

Wow is it ever hot in there.
Last Sunday I went to Inga Colberts class. You may have met her in the window at our Community Day party?
Anyways, it was an amazing class.
Bikram is very different from any of the other yoga classes I've taken. For starters it was HOT HOT HOT. As in -your skin turns red and you feel like you might pass out - HOT.

I've learned a great deal from all of the classes and different styles I've tried out. There have been some common practices amongst the different teachings. Relax, close your eyes, alter the pose to what feels right for you, stretch the limits but stay within your means, clear your mind, center yourself, remember were all here together....

Welp, let tell you Bikram is very different. The room is heated between 90-110 degrees. I didn't ask, but I'd guess that Inga has the room heated to the max. You go through a series of 27 postures, keeping your eyes open the entire time. The room has 2 walls of mirrors that you are instructed to look at and focus on yourself at all times.
Between certain poses you are allowed to drink some water. The class is instructed in an almost military fashion. Once in the position, you must push harder and harder to reap the benefits of this style yoga. The instructor is pushing you the entire time. Although you may be singled out for a praise, nobody is given special attention. You have to focus on yourself and LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN. Each pose is barked out at you a number of times. Reminders like "keep your plans down" " remember to open your eyes" and "lock your knees" all help to keep you properly aligned.

I may not be describing your typical yoga experience, but I loved every minute of it.
While you are encouraged to do do all the poses, your number one goal is to withstand the heat. While the instructors job is to push us, there is a feeling of support and encouragment. Because you are looking at and focusing on yourself while trying these poses, there is little time for the mind to wander. I loved the mental determination it required.

I most enjoyed the fact I was dripping in sweat. Sweat is one of the ways out bodies purify. It is great for the skin, the blood and the body.

I liked the challenge, the heat, the instructor, and the reminder to push myself beyond my limitations. I even liked being barked at.

Inga's style of teaching made try harder. I was a little put off at first. I went into the class with an expectation of what was going to happen.

It was a great reminder not to expect but to keep an open my mind and be open to new experiences.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

CATZ Function Show

Hey Guys,

It was great seeing you today! I can't wait for the CATZ Function Show on Aug. 16th!!

on board!

YES!! i'm finally on!! whee thanks rochelle ;)







Tuesday, July 31, 2007

You guys rock!

Tori, this is so great! What a great way to keep in touch with out clogging eachothers in boxes! hi to all my fellow peeps from santa mo....xoxo jenny

Monday, July 30, 2007

Best Class Review Award

One day left to post your class reviews for the past two weeks. I will be selecting the best to put up on our Community Board on Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Our Community Board Works!


Our Community Board Works!

I had an ex-dancer come in to the store the other day, and we got to talking. She was actually looking to take some classes in the Pasadena area. I took her to our dance page, and shared with her about the different studios that I know of in the area. I told her about Club Sportif and Spa, and Sylviane. I gave her a copy of her schedule over there. She came in the store last night, and raved about the classes she took over there. She even told Sylviane that we sent her there. Sylviane said she was very pleased.

She took the Armed and dangerous class and the Salsa class. I have included a link to her website. You must get over there and check her out.

I might try and take her 5:30 mat pilates class tonight. If anyone wants to join me, let me know!



Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mr. Tracy

Hi friends,

I am reading Focal Point and am being reminded of how much power I have to shape my life...listening to the c.d.'s and reading this book has really been a catalyst for me to dig deeper into my goals, my desires, my faith...all of the above.....

Hit the Ogre

Hooray! Now that I've figured out how to do this- I have a great story. But first off, WE MISS YOU CHAUNA!!! Seriously, girl. So here's my story: Last week Freda and I went to CATZ but we went to an evening class on Tuesday night. It was fun to see some new faces and the workout was just as great as always. The difference was at the end when Mike had us play a game of "Hit the Ogre." Basically, he set up a rectangle cage at one end of the field and he and one other person were inside. Everyone else had rubber balls to throw inside the cage. The "ogres" on the inside wanted to keep the balls outside the cage. It turned into a game of dodge ball and let me tell you, it was so hilarious and so much fun! I love being a kid! Then Freda and I became the ogres and had to stay in for 2 minutes- sounds short, but OH NO. By the end we were falling over laughing and could barely make it to the end. CATZ rocks!


Equinox Classes!

This Monday I went to B.U.R.N Cardio and Hard Core Cuts at Equinox both of which were 30 minutes long. I've been to a good number of times now and have loved every class. These two classes focused on using the bosu (spelling?)! For those of you unfamiliar with the bosu, it looks like an exercise ball that's been cut in half and has a hard surface on the bottom. So it is half a ball and you can step on it, lay on it and do all sorts of things on it.
During Hard Core Cuts, we used the bosu to do a LOT of ab work and oh MAN were my abs crying! We also used the medicine ball during these core exercises.
B.U.R.N used the bosu for more of a cardio stepping class. Instead of a step block, we used the bosu. It was a lot of marching, stepping, and jumping on the bosu (great for balance!). It really got my heart rate up and the only complaint I have is that my feet were cramping as I wasn't used to doing so much stepping and jumping, etc on an uneven surface like that.

I got a great work out and every class I've gone to at Equinox has been an amazing experience. The instructors are upbeat and definitely know what they're doing! Plus, it seems like everyone at equinox is wearing lululemon! YAY!

go to equinox!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Break Thru Fitness!

I am posetive I just spelled that name incorrectly but all of you know what Im talking about! Last thursday I went with Freda to breakthru and boy what a work out. We worked with Sonia who I absolutely loved, she is such an inspiration. Sonia is stoutt pilates certified and bikram certifed, she did a sort of martial arts (i cant remember which one) does personal training and plans on starting her yoga works certification soon. Now she sounds like super woman right? Well she shared with us that she was diagnosed with MS and was told that she would be in a wheel chair with in 10 years THAT WAS 12 YEARS AGO!!!! She chose posetive thinking... and continued to work out against her doctors orders and is the poster child for her doctors.

She is not only a kick your butt fitness instructor but she is a really awesome person. She shops in lulu often get to know her! Give her a hug for me.



ps I still dont have cable or internet but I am settling into my apartment quite nicely. Miss all of you so much.

Monday, July 16, 2007

More classes at 24 Hour Fitness

Hey all!

Where are all the class highlights? I know you are out there going to them. Let us know.

I went to 24 Tease again at the 24 Hr. Fitness in Pasadena. It's a fun 1/2 hr. class. I stayed afterwards and took the 24 Lift. A really nice strength building class. The same teacher Vicki teaches both. She's good. She has yet to make it into the store, but keeps saying she is going to try. She was given an R&D packet awhile ago. After that, I went over to The Athletic Garage and took Belly dancing. It's so much fun! I keep telling Kamala that you guys want to go, so lets go! She invited me to attend a Egyptian Belly Dancing workshop the next night. Wow, it is much harder than you would think!

On Friday morning, I took a step class at the the 24 hr. Fitness near me. The teacher was Sam, and it was very fast paced. If you like a step class with lots of challenging combinations, this was it. I stayed for her Cowboy Boogie, which was a blast! Ye Ha!

The Luna Tour event at the Rose Bowl was great! Freda and Rochelle joined Becky and I along with some others. We even had some people who were just passing by stay and take the classes. Jim was awesome as usual, and worked us hard. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it. Scott's class was equally fun, and we did a lot of partnering stuff which was new for me.

Get out there and keep spreading that Lulu Love!


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Reading Good to Great

Hey guys! I am finishing up Al Gore's latest book (after seeing An Inconvenient Truth...finally) this weekend and I'm going to start Good to Great. My by when is August 10th!
For those of you who read it....what are your highlights? I'd love to know!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Belly Dancing Class

The Athletic Garage offers a Belly Dancing class on Wednesday evenings from 8-9.

It is a fun class, yet a little challenging. It's taught by Kamala, who is a professional Belly dancer. Here is the link to her website.

The class has a warm up stretch, basic isolation moves, and then she teaches a short dance at the end. Every time I have gone, there has been at least one person there that is new, so beginners are welcome.

The class will bring out the Goddess in you! Coin skirts are optional, but add some fun. If not, bring a scarf or something to tie around your waist.

We do not have an account there yet, so plan to bring cash and turn your receipt in. The class costs $13.

If Belly dancing is not your thing, they offer a variety of fun classes. I have tried the Hip Hop and the Dirty Funkin Dancing. Both very fun, but not easy to pick up the steps. I wouldn't recommend those two classes if you've never taken dance before. They have other options instead.

I will keep you posted!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hey Lulus,

Here's your big chance to share your class experiences with the rest of us.

Bi-monthly, I will be selecting the best of the best to post on our Community Board. I will be posting it on the 16Th and the 1st of each month for the previous two weeks of activities.

Start posting your experiences now, and I will choose and post the best one on the 16Th of July. Then on the 1st of August, I will post from those entered from the 16Th until the end of the month.

I know I enjoy sharing my experiences, as well as reading others. I hope you find it a fun way to share and encourage each other to try new classes.

We would also like for you to use this blog to share some highlights from our Library books that you have already read, or are currently reading.

Happy blogging,
